
Five lane positioning tips

Five Lane Positioning Tips for Cycling

How do you ride safely when you’re sharing space with cars? Here are our top five tips on how to position yourself on the road.

By on Jun 15, 2021

  cycling tips, education, encouragement, video

Cycle Toronto Move 365 is more than just bikes. A teal and black colour scheme prevades. The "V" in "Move" is stylized to look like a map pin. A map is in the background.

Update on Move365

The riding season is in full swing and while Cycle Toronto is in the midst of rolling out exciting programs for Bike Month and supporting ActiveTO road openings and temporary bike lanes, we wanted to pause and provide you with an update about Move365.

Bike Month 2021

Bike Month 2021

Bike Month (May 31 - June 30) is taking the time to rekindle the youthful magic of exploring your neighbourhood by bike or share that joy with the next generation of bike riders. Bike Month is a celebration of cycling.

Road with protected bike lanes

Action Alert: Support 2021 cycling projects and ask for more!

The next slate of proposed 2021 cycling infrastructure will be voted on at the May 25 Infrastructure and Environment Committee (IEC) meeting. Combined, they make up just over nine kilometres of new bike lanes. Scarborough doesn’t have a single centimetre.

Bike Share Bikes in the rack

Working toward a bigger and better Bike Share

There have been exciting developments with Bike Share Toronto in the last week! 

By on May 17, 2021

  Bike Share Toronto, Bike Share, ActiveTO, Equity, Move365

Person working on a laptop at home

We're hiring a Program Assistant!

Join our tight-knit team that sees cycling as a gateway to a healthy environment, economic prosperity, stronger communities, better mental and physical health, equity, and fun.

By on Apr 30, 2021

  jobs, summer jobs, Work, Canada Summer Jobs Grant, Program Assistant

danforth ave cyclists - default

Open Letter to Premier Ford RE: Expanded Police Powers, Impacts to BIPOC's, and Closure of Park Amenities

We are writing with regard to the expansion of police powers issued on April 16, 2021 and Ontario Regulation made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, Amending O. Reg. 82/20 to express our deep opposition.

By on Apr 23, 2021

  COVID-19, Police, Open letter, Sick Days, BIPOC, Parks, Equity

Person using a phone and a laptop

We're hiring an Engagement Coordinator!

Join our tight-knit team that sees cycling as a gateway to a healthy environment, economic prosperity, stronger communities, better mental and physical health, equity, and fun. 

By on Apr 16, 2021

  jobs, Work, fundraising, Community Engagement

People ride rented bikes and Lake Shore

Let's Make the Bike Boom Permanent

People want to bike more. We want to make that happen and we need your help.

By on Apr 15, 2021

  Bike Boom, education, cycling education, fundraising, cycling tips

A woman works on a laptop. She is sitting at a table in a bright area next to a row of widows.

Advocacy Committee: Call for New Members

Apply to join the Advocacy Committee - deadline is April 12, 2021

By Tamara Nahal on Mar 23, 2021

  advocacy committee
