
Provincial Election: Cycling and Road Safety Priorities

While Cycle Toronto’s primary focus is on City Hall, we’ve engaged with several Ontario MPP candidates already about what priorities would make meaningful change for Toronto at the Provincial Government level. Be sure to ask your candidates questions about whether they will commit to moving these initiatives forward at Queen’s Park:

Federal candidates must support cycling

The federal election is rapidly approaching, and your vote matters if you want to improve Canada. The party that wins power will have the opportunity to set the course for years to come. With a climate emergency and health crisis — nearly all youth aren’t active enough and over half lead sedentary lifestyles — running in the background of a pandemic, cycling matters. 

#BuildtheGrid: is your Councillor in?

We're welcoming a new term of Council.

On October 22, 2018, Torontonians elected our Mayor and Councillors, who make crucial decisions affecting transportation in our city - including how we design our streets. 

We collected responses to our three #BuildtheGrid questions, part of a 15-question #BuildtheVisionTO survey administered and analyzed by a coalition of road safety advocates. 
