Election advocacy updates

#BuildtheGrid activist trainings
In June, we held a series of cycling summits in Scarborough, Etobicoke, North York and downtown to engage local advocates in our #BuildTheGrid campaign. Since then we’ve been collecting pledges from the thousands of Torontonians who want to see our Cycling Network Plan built by 2022. We’re just wrapping up a series of activist trainings and now our member-advocates are hitting the streets to reach out to residents and encourage them to keep cycling infrastructure and traffic safety in mind when they go to the polls. It’s all hands on deck so if you’d like to help out, please contact us at info@cycleto.ca.
We’ve got a brand new Advocacy Toolkit
We’re also pleased to announce the release of our Advocacy Toolkit! This guide offers strategic and tactical advice to volunteers who want to get involved in advocacy during the election -- and afterwards when we will need to build relationships with councillors and keep up the pressure. Check out the Advocacy Toolkit and take action in your neighbourhood to highlight the need for safe cycling infrastructure for people who bike in Toronto.
#BuildtheVisionTO’s active transportation survey
Our #BuildTheVisionTO coalition has been hard at work canvassing the many councillor and mayoral candidates for their responses to our 15-question active transportation survey. We’re pleased to see a number of candidates already including traffic safety commitments in their platforms and we encourage all of them to publicly champion our 15 recommendations. Barring a change in the election date, we’ll hold a press conference in October (date TBD) to release the results and help inform voters as they go to the polls.