#BuildtheGrid: is your Councillor in?

We're welcoming a new term of Council.
On October 22, 2018, Torontonians elected our Mayor and Councillors, who make crucial decisions affecting transportation in our city - including how we design our streets.
We collected responses to our three #BuildtheGrid questions, part of a 15-question #BuildtheVisionTO survey administered and analyzed by a coalition of road safety advocates.
What did candidates have to say about building a better cycling city? Find out now.
What's #BuildtheGrid?
Leading up to the election, we asked all mayoral and council candidates these three questions:
Will you be a champion for building safe connected bike routes in my neighbourhood?
Will you support building protected bike lanes on main streets? (Bloor, Danforth, Yonge, etc.)
Do you support accelerating the City’s 10-Year Cycling Network Plan to be completed in the next four years, instead of by 2026?
The results are in. Find out how your candidates responded.
Visit our #BuildtheGrid campaign page for a breakdown of responses by ward.
What can I do now?
This is an opportune moment to push to #BuildtheGrid. We're inviting you to join our efforts!
After the election, it’s a good idea to send your new councillor a welcome note to set the tone for your relationship for the next four years.
Here is a template you can use. We encourage you to add your own personal story about cycling in your ward.
To: <Add your councillor’s email address> Cc: "Cycle Toronto" <info@cycleto.ca> Subject: Congratulations Councillor [your councillor’s name]! Dear Councillor [your councillor’s name], Congratulations on your recent election as City Councillor for [your new ward’s name and number]. As a resident of Toronto like you, I want to see the city grow in a way that accommodates all road users. That’s why during the campaign I asked you to commit to putting in place the conditions for the 10-Year Cycling Network Plan (including main streets, as recommended by City staff) to be built by 2022. We need to make our streets safer for everyone, regardless of how they choose to travel. With a grid of safe streets, Toronto would be a more active and healthy city, and a supportive mayor and council can make this a reality. I look forward to working with you over the coming four-year term to make that happen. Sincerely, [your name] |
Here are three more ways to get engaged in the coming weeks:
- Follow us on social media. Head to our Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram pages for the latest #BuildtheGrid updates.
- Get ahead of the game. Download our new Advocacy Toolkit to get ideas on working with your new Councillor.
- Receive alerts. Subscribe to our Action Alerts mailing list to receive campaign updates as we look ahead to 2019.
Cycle Toronto is a strictly non-partisan organization that supports policies for safer streets, and not any particular party or candidate.