
One year later: Advocacy in action on Bloor

One year after the Bloor St bike lanes were made permanent, we're looking back on how the Bloor Love Bikes campaign helped secure this victory.

Register now for the Cycle Toronto Advocacy Forum

Want to learn more about cycling advocacy in Toronto? RSVP and join us on November 19.

By Joan Milway on Nov 03, 2017


danforth ave cyclists - default

Bloor decision at City Hall next week. Write PWIC now.

By Kevin Cooper on Oct 13, 2017


Do you want to keep the bike lanes on Bloor? We need your help

Find out more at our volunteer orientation session on Saturday

By on Sep 13, 2017


danforth ave cyclists - default

Job Opportunity: Communications & Digital Marketing Manager

apply by September 28

By on Sep 08, 2017


Bloor St bike lanes are here to stay!

City Council votes 36-6 in favour of permanent installation! Improvement and expansion are next!

By Joan Milway on Aug 24, 2017


Press release: Toronto picks road safety over speed, new poll finds

Seven in 10 residents back Bloor bike lane

By Jared Kolb on Jun 24, 2017


Cyclists shop locally: A new partnership on Bloor St between businesses and cyclists

Unveiling Bike and Buy: Tour de Bloor Passport, a program that forges a new chapter in community relations and demonstrates that cyclists shop locally

By Daniela Patino on Jun 21, 2017

