Bloor St bike lanes are here to stay!

The Bloor Street bike lanes are a one-year pilot project, installed in August 2016. More people than ever are now using Bloor to ride to work or school, visit local shops, or meet friends. Despite this, City Council may vote to remove the bike lanes in the fall.

We need your support to make sure this does not happen.

Sign the pledge to help make the Bloor bike lanes permanent!

Top 5 reasons to make the Bloor Street bike lanes permanent:​

  1. Most patrons of the Bloor Annex don't drive to shop. 90% of patrons in the Bloor Annex arrive by walking, cycling or transit.
  2. 70% of Torontonians support making the lanes permanent. According to a recent study by Angus Reid, the vast majority of Torontonians want the Bloor lanes made permanent. The new protected lanes allow drivers and cyclists to co-exist in their own safe, predictable space.
  3. Customers arriving by bicycle spend more. Portland State University researchers found that customers who arrive by bike spend 24% more per month than those who arrive by car. After the construction of a protected bike lane on 9th Avenue in New York City, local businesses saw a 49% increase in retail sales.
  4. If you build it, they will come. Study after study demonstrates that after protected bike lanes are installed on main streets, cycling volumes increase significantly. Cycling volumes on Bloor Street have been booming since the lanes were installed a year ago. The number of motor vehicles using Bloor remains practically unchanged.
  5. Before the lanes were installed, Bloor was a parking lot. More than 80% of the time, Bloor Street had two lanes of parking and two lanes of car traffic. Installing bike lanes retained those two lanes of car traffic and one lane of parking. This gives Torontonians more transportation options and gets the city moving.

Sign the pledge to help make the Bloor bike lanes permanent!


By Joan Milway on Aug 24, 2017

