Active and E-mobility

The big question: who’s allowed in bike lanes?
As Toronto gets busier and denser, our streets must evolve to accommodate many types of mobilities. Electric bikes and scooters are increasing in popularity and are a great option for people to get around the city, and could contribute to reducing the number of cars on the road.
However, there is a lack of clarity around what types of vehicles can travel in bike lanes, cycle tracks, and trails. The information gap is causing confusion and frustration.
We see an important opportunity to create safer streets for all by recognizing that bike lanes can accomodate people using multiple mobilities.
We support bike lanes that accomodate many mobilities
Cycle Toronto supports all kinds of active mobility and e-mobility devices that allow people to move themselves and their goods safely. Given the similar speeds at which people using skateboards, e-wheelchairs, rollerblades, pedal assist e-bikes and cargo bike travel, it makes sense to have everyone sharing the lane. Legally recognizing how many Torontonians already use our streets will lead to healthier, safer, and better designed communities for everyone.
Our position
All wheeled devices under 25km/hr should share the same lane.
Moped style e-bikes should require M-class licenses and travel on the road.
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#ICYMI: we shared our five key points on Twitter, which generated great discussion on how our streets can accommodate many mobilities to get people moving safely and efficiently.
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