
Happy New Year! Bike graphic

Ring & Post: New Year Edition

Gearing up for a year full of bike rides, advocacy, and education.

By Maggie Crawford on Jan 06, 2023


Photo of Bloor St at Brunswick Ave. In the foreground, an Electrical vehicle is parked and there are pylons surrounding it on the road and sidewalk. There are new signs on the sidewalk to be installed on the street for the planned contra-flow bike lanes o

ACTION: Email City Council to support motion MM2.14 today!

Support a motion put forward by Councillor Saxe which seeks to ensure the safety of cyclists who rely on the Bloor St. bike lanes during construction projects.

By Maggie Crawford on Dec 13, 2022


Ring & Post November 2022

By Maggie Crawford on Nov 08, 2022


Ruth with her bike

Making a Mode Change & Advocating for Safe Streets: Introducing Ruth Watkins

A story from our community about the role of infrastructure in getting people on bikes.

By Maggie Crawford on Nov 04, 2022


Advocacy Forum Graphic that features the CN Tower and a woman at a podium

Toronto Municipal Election Results

Following the Election on October 24th, we are pleased to announce that the majority of Toronto’s newly elected City Council support our 10 priority actions.

By Maggie Crawford on Oct 25, 2022


A message from our outgoing Executive Director and Board President

Over the past decade, Keagan Gartz has played a crucial role in transforming and building Cycle Toronto to be the organization it is today.

By Maggie Crawford on Oct 19, 2022


Safe and Active Streets for All: Campaign Coalition Press Conference

Today, we stood alongside, and aligned with our coalition partners as we held a press conference outside of City Hall to release the results of our survey.

By Maggie Crawford on Oct 17, 2022


People in High Park

Cycle Toronto Meets with Mayor John Tory to Diffuse Tensions in High Park

Press release on Cycle Toronto's meeting with Mayor Tory over High Park ticketing of cyclists.

By Maggie Crawford on Aug 10, 2022

  Vision Zero, TOPoli

People in High Park

Cycle Toronto Calls on Mayor Tory To Meet With Cycling Community

Toronto cyclists and road safety advocates have grown increasingly alarmed by the recent and escalating tensions between cyclists and police in High Park.

By Maggie Crawford on Aug 05, 2022


Cycle Toronto Advocacy Forum 2020

Review: July 7th Infrastructure and Environment Committee Meeting

Cycle Toronto's recap of the July 7th Infrastructure and Environment Committee Meeting.

By Maggie Crawford on Jul 08, 2022

  TOPoli, ONPoli, IEC, cycling advocacy, advocacy
