ACTION: Email City Council to support motion MM2.14 today!

Photo of Bloor St at Brunswick Ave. In the foreground, an Electrical vehicle is parked and there are pylons surrounding it on the road and sidewalk. There are new signs on the sidewalk to be installed on the street for the planned contra-flow bike lanes o

On Wednesday Dec 14th, City Council will be voting on a motion put forward by Councillor Dianne Saxe which seeks to ensure the safety of cyclists who rely on the Bloor St. bike lanes during construction projects.

Improving the safety of construction zones for vulnerable road users is one of our priorities that we will be advocating for over the next four years. Help us let the Mayor and City Council know that providing cyclists, pedestrians and people with disabilities with a safe passage through dangerous work zones should be prioritized at all times. 

Email your support to the Mayor and City Council Today! 

Email Now!

Example Email:


My Comments for 2023.MM2.14: Improving Safety on Bloor Street Bike Lanes during Construction


Dear Mayor Tory and City Council, 

I am writing in support of Councillor Saxe’s motion, seconded by Deputy Mayor McKelvie, to maintain a safe passage for cyclists who rely on the Bloor Street Bike Lanes during construction. As someone who bikes and relies on the Bloor street bike lanes to get to where I need to, it is imperative that the City provide cyclists and users of motorized wheelchairs with safe ways to travel through construction sites. A dedicated lane for cycling is needed to make sure cyclists can access Bloor St in a safe manner, without sharing the road with cars and trucks, or sidewalks with pedestrians.

With the emerging climate crisis, we need to get more people to adopt active modes of transportation – but the lack of safety around construction zones deters many people from biking. The protected Bloor St. bike lanes are a critical east-west corridor for people to safely travel across the city. Please ensure cyclists are able to navigate construction on Bloor St. bike lanes safely by voting in favor of Councillor Saxe’s motion.

Thank you in advance for your support and consideration!
[Postal Code]

By Maggie Crawford on Dec 13, 2022

