Board of Directors Nominations and the Annual General Meeting

Photo courtesy of David Keogh
Mark your calendar! Cycle Toronto’s 2020 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is scheduled for Tuesday, March 31, 2020 at Relish Bar & Grill on the Danforth!
In order to participate in the AGM and board nomination process you must be a Cycle Toronto member in good standing. Join now so you can take a bigger role in the organization.
Call for nominations
Nominations for Board of Director candidates will open Monday, February 10, 2020 and close Saturday, February 22, 2020 at midnight. There are five director positions up for election, with three of those being sought by existing directors running for re-election.
Cycle Toronto is committed to recruiting, nominating, and supporting candidates for the Board that reflect the diversity of our membership and Toronto at large. Cycle Toronto encourages applications from people who live outside of downtown, individuals from racialized groups, Indigenous people, women, people with disabilities, people of diverse faiths, people of diverse social classes, people with diverse gender identities, and people with diverse sexual orientations.
We are looking for self-motivated individuals who are passionate about cycling and who want to help Cycle Toronto achieve its goals. We are looking for individuals with the following skills and experience:
- Finance / Accounting
- Board experience
- Fundraising
- Communications and marketing
- Community affiliation/access
- Human resources
- IT
- Organizational management
- Law
- Leadership
- Strategic planning
- Risk management
Nomination process
The Board of Directors serves a crucial role in the work that Cycle Toronto does. Every year as directors turn over, we are left with gaps in skills and experience that must be filled. The existing Board is in a unique position to assess what skills and experience are required for this work, what gaps exist, and which candidates might best fill those gaps. We encourage Board members to run for two terms as it is important for organizational stability and institutional knowledge. This year we have 3 Board members seeking re-election.
Like last year, we will be interviewing candidates and recommending to our membership a slate of candidates for election. This is the process taken by most established non-profits and one that we believe strikes a balance between democratic openness and building an effective board. Regardless of which candidates the Board endorses, all candidates are welcome to run in the election and the directors are ultimately elected by the membership at the AGM. We strive to be fair and transparent and we appreciate your support as we attempt this new process.
How to apply
For more information about being a director, please see our Call for Nominees.
To apply, please fill out our online Nomination Form.
Nominations close Saturday, February 22, 2020. Interviews, for those selected, will take place in early March.
Cycle Toronto is committed to accessibility. If you require accommodations during the application process, please contact our Board Chair, Kathryn Randle, directly at
Note that the By-laws govern the conduct of the AGM generally, including member proposals. For any questions relating to By-laws please contact the Board’s President, Francesca Allodi-Ross, at
We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!
Kathryn Randle
Board Chair