
people riding their cycles in a group ride

Cycle Toronto Job Postings

Join our staff team!

By on Mar 31, 2023


Food courier on an e-bike in a snowy bike lane

The Need to Prioritize Road Design over Licensing and Enforcement

Breaking down our concerns surrounding MM5.7 and the potential for licensing "Motor-Assisted Micro-Mobility Vehicles"

By Maggie Crawford on Mar 31, 2023


CycleTO board laughing May 2018_David Keogh

Call for Nominations - Board of Directors 2023

We're looking for nominations for our 2023 Board of Directors - read on to learn more about the position.

By Maggie Crawford on Mar 29, 2023


Woman speaking into microphone in committee room

Recapping the March 20th Infrastructure and Environment Committee Meeting

And how to help us achieve equitable and accessible Bike Share pricing.

By Maggie Crawford on Mar 22, 2023


danforth ave cyclists - default

Bike lanes made permanent on Yonge Street: a win for cycling enthusiasts and road users alike!

Council voted to keep the Midtown Yonge Bike Lanes last week in a vote of 22-4.

By Maggie Crawford on Feb 16, 2023


A person rides a bike past people dining streetside

Feb 3, 2023: City Council to vote on making the Midtown Yonge Complete Street permanent

Toronto City Council will be voting next week to make the Midtown Yonge Complete Street Pilot Project permanent.

By Maggie Crawford on Feb 03, 2023


Audree and Nick

IEC Supports Making Midtown Yonge Pilot Permanent: Help us encourage Council!

Let’s continue making temporary ActiveTO projects permanent once and for all.

By Maggie Crawford on Feb 02, 2023


Busy traffic in Toronto

2023 City Budget: What We're Calling For

Toronto’s budget must prioritize active transportation and public transit.

By Maggie Crawford on Jan 13, 2023

  budget, City Hall, Toronto, TOPoli

A bike on a bus with a woman locking it up

Support TTC Riders and Call for Investment in Public Transit

Investing in the TTC is key to a well-connected active transportation network in Toronto

By Maggie Crawford on Jan 10, 2023

  budget, City Hall, Transportation Equity
