Feb 3, 2023: City Council to vote on making the Midtown Yonge Complete Street permanent

February 3, 2023: City Council to vote on making the Midtown Yonge Complete Street permanent
Toronto - February 2, 2023 – Toronto City Council will be voting to make the Midtown Yonge Complete Street Pilot Project permanent. We urge the Mayor and City Council to support the overwhelming data and expertise that backs making this successful project a permanent fixture to Toronto’s active transportation network.
In addition to staff recommendations and the endorsement of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee, representatives from Fire and Emergency Services, as well as the TTC confirmed that the new street configuration satisfied their service delivery needs. Toronto’s Medical of Health Officer, Dr. Eileen de Villa, also spoke of the many physical and mental health benefits associated with complete streets.
If the Midtown Yonge Complete Street Pilot is made permanent, the City will be signaling that it remains committed to meeting the city’s VisionZeroTO, TransformTO and Equity goals. It will also demonstrate their commitment to the Near-term Cycling Network Plan, which promises to implement 100 km of new bike infrastructure by 2024.
What: City Council will vote on whether to adopt the staff recommendations to make the Midtown Yonge Complete Street project project permanent. Cycle Toronto will be available for media comment during the three-day City Council meeting.
When: Tuesday, February 7th to Thursday February 9th, 2023
Where: Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen St. W or online.
“With the city expected to grow by 200,000 over the next decade, paired with the increasing urgency posed by the climate crisis and growing wealth disparity, providing Torontonians with a safe, accessible and affordable transportation network is necessary to the reduction of traffic congestion and our over reliance on single car occupancy.”
- Alison Stewart, Acting Co-Executive Director, Advocacy & Public Policy, Cycle Toronto
Cycle Toronto is a registered charity that advocates for evidence-based solutions that make cycling a viable option for Torontonians and upholding the principles that streets are for people of all ages and abilities.
For media requests or to arrange an interview, please contact:
Alison Stewart
Acting Co-Executive Director, Advocacy & Public Policy
Cell: 416-854-9262, alison.stewart@cycleto.ca