Workshop Booking Form

Available Workshops

There are a variety of workshops available through StreetSmartsTO. Currently, due to public health concerns all activities are online. However, as in-person restrictions are lifted, in-person workshops and neighbourhood pop-ups will be offered following guidelines and recommendations issued by Ontario and Toronto Public Health units.

  • Basic Bike Maintenance: The things every rider should know to keep your bike going and save you money and frustration in the long term.
  • Biking in All Weather Conditions: Get prepared to keep riding through wet, the wet, cold, icy, and snowy conditions Toronto experiences every year.
  • Going by Bike: We’ll walk you through how you can do everything from commuting to work, picking up your kids and even do a grocery run by bike. 
  • Family Biking: Guides participants through things like biking while pregnant, biking with young kids and teaching children to ride on their own for the first time.
  • Road Rules: Learn about your rights and responsibilities when interacting with others on the road in this interactive quiz-style workshop.
  • Safe Cycling 101: Everything you need to know to bike with confidence in the city. Includes: equipment and bike fit, safe riding techniques, rules & responsibilities, choosing your route, & more.



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Workshop request
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