
Update on Move365

The riding season is in full swing and while Cycle Toronto is in the midst of rolling out exciting programs for Bike Month and supporting ActiveTO road openings and temporary bike lanes, we wanted to pause and provide you with an update about Move365; our program centred on a holistic approach for tackling key active transportation issues in the city.  

Working toward a bigger and better Bike Share

Bike Share Toronto station at the University of Toronto Scarborough

There have been exciting developments with Bike Share Toronto in the last week! 

On Sunday, May 16 — the first weekend that ActiveTO opened Lake Shore Boulevard W in 2021 — Bike Share set a new single day record of over 27,000 rides! The Bike Boom is still going strong and we aim to keep it that way.

Support Growing for Toronto Bike Lanes

Amid the biggest one-year expansion of new bike lanes in Toronto’s history, a new poll shows 84 per cent of residents across the city support building protected bike lanes. 

The City of Toronto has built almost 40 kilometres of on-street bike lanes since January when EKOS Research last conducted polling on the subject. Support for building protected bike lanes has increased from 79 per cent in January.

Statement and Reflection on Anti-Black Racism, Oppression and Equity at Cycle Toronto

June 16, 2020

This past week Cycle Toronto's Black board members convened our senior leadership to raise concerns about systemic racism and equity issues in Cycle Toronto. We reflected on experiences of microaggressions experienced by Black community members, equity and diversity in hiring practices, engagement with racialized communities, policing and safety on rides, and how our broader advocacy analysis does not adequately respond to the systemic issues faced by Indigenous Peoples, Black communities, and People of Colour.