Move365 Connect

Meet Scarborough Residents Calling for Protected Bike Lanes

The cycling community in Toronto continues to grow – and with that, so does the demand for a safe cycling network. As a Scarborough resident, I, along with thousands of others, want healthy transportation options to and from home, work, schools, parks, and everywhere in between. Our Connect Scarborough campaign asks for a network of connected, protected bike lanes in Scarborough.

Bloor W Bike Lane Upgrades Delayed

If you frequent Bloor between Avenue Road and Spadina Avenue (it's one of the busiest bikeways in North America), you know it's been a construction zone for much of 2021. Watermain replacement has torn up the road during that time. Following completion of that work the bike lanes were scheduled to be upgraded with a similar design as seen on the south side of Bloor west of Spadina. A permanent protected intersection was scheduled to be installed as well.

Move365 Connect Yonge is Here!

The Yonge Loves Bikes campaign started with the idea to bring protected bike lanes to Uptown, Midtown, and Downtown Yonge Street. The communities saw localized campaign work happening to bring a bold cycling network to Yonge; we pushed for REimagine Yonge in North York, advocated for streetscape designs and ActiveTO in Midtown, and supported a vision for Yonge TOmorrow that included bike lanes downtown.