High Visibility

High Visibility: Tim and TTLMakerspace Deliver PPE by Bike

Tim Willison showing off a part for a 3-Hole Face Shield

In the last two High Visibility profiles we spoke with frontline workers; people that ride their bikes to hospitals every day to do their part in keeping people healthy. But what protects them? They need personal protective equipment (PPE) to stay safe and prevent infection from spreading. That’s where Tim and TTLMakerspace come in, the subjects of this High Visibility.

High Visibility: Biking to the Frontline featuring Rosa Phillip

In our first installment of High Visibility we spoke with Carmen Jones, an Oncology Nurse that had already been bike commuting for a few years when the pandemic hit. This time around we spoke with Rosa Phillip. While Rosa has been riding for a while, COVID-19 made cycling her best option for getting to work.

High Visibility: Biking to the Frontline featuring Carmen Jones

Our daily lives are in a period of adjustment. Schools, public facilities, and many workplaces have closed and people are encouraged to stay home except for essential trips and exercise. Even when we venture into public we attempt to keep two meters of physical distance. Toronto isn’t the same as it was in the beginning of March.

Check out our guidelines for bike riding during the COVID-19 pandemic.