Women's Cycling Network Bike Match Program

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NEEDED: Bicycles that are ready to ride!
Do you have a bike you no longer use? The Women’s Cycling Network (WCN) has brought together 50 women who have bikes and have already learned to ride, and there are another 50 waiting for donated bikes so that they can learn to ride too. WCN was co-founded by Najia Zewari, leader of Women's Wellness Café, with help from Cycle Don Valley Midtown. The network is an inclusive group of nearly 100 women from the Thorncliffe Park and Flemingdon Park neighbourhoods and nearby communities. These women find freedom, empowerment and health benefits by riding a bike.
A recent Bike Match recipient accepts their new bike thanks to Women’s Cycling Network and Cycle Don Valley Midtown. Image from Cycle Don Valley Midtown’s Twitter.
How Can You Help?
If you have a bike to give, read about the Women’s Cycling Network #BikeMatch program and complete the form. Your bike will be matched with a woman from the waiting list and a contact-free donation arranged. Your idle bike will provide the welcome opportunity for one of these women to ride it!
You can also email WomensCyclingNetwork.GTA@gmail.com to arrange a donation. You can also use the form to get on the waiting list for a new bike.
Overlea Boulevard ActiveTO temporary bike lanes
Overlea Boulevard in Thorncliffe Park has an ActiveTO temporary bike lane that is listed as “under consideration.” This bike lane would make a major road connection for the community and supplement the neighbourhood routes already in the area. WCN and Cycle Toronto are both working toward implementation in this area but there is no clear timetable so far. You can see some testimonials from WCN members about why they need bike lanes here and here.