Tony Lafazanis - Personal Injury Lawyer
With over 35 years of experience, Tony Lafazanis is an experienced and compassionate lawyer who listens to you carefully before providing any legal advice. He is a proud member of the law society and has been practicing personal injury and disability insurance law in Ontario since 1983.
From his boutique law firm in Cabbagetown Toronto, Tony represents clients throughout the Greater Toronto Area and Central Ontario.
Tony has experience in all types of personal injury, accidents and disability insurance claims. He has successfully handled cases involving bicycle-motor vehicle collisions and single bicycle accidents. Fault may lie with the motor vehicle, be jointly shared, or lie with the authorities responsible for maintaining the road or bicycle lane.
Tony will give you the expertise you need to get the compensation you deserve.
Tony Lafazanis is also a proud bicycle commuter. He regularly gets to appointments on his bicycle.
Contact Tony for a FREE case evaluation!
416-979-1770 or 1-888-979-1770
493 Parliament St.
Suite 201
See map: Google Maps
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