Road Rules Videos

How can we build empathy on our streets?

When it comes to getting around Toronto, knowing the rules is one thing - understanding the reality is another. Building off of our popular Road Rules workshop, we took some of the most ambiguous situations between road users as determined by our members and followers, and put them into video form.

Week #4: Turning Right across a Bike Lane:


Week #3: Turning Left:


Week #2: Stopping in a Bike Lane:


Week #1 - Sharing a Traffic Lane:


These spots are nothing like your typical instructional cycling videos.

They highlight the the reality of riding on Toronto streets. Just like in our live workshop, they aim to build empathy in people who may not be as familiar with what it’s like to move around the city from the perspective of a bike seat. Our videos delve into what it really feels like to travel through the city, as a person biking and driving. From sharing space to making turns to passing, you'll get a first-person view on nagivating these common situations.

Our goal? To help you build knowledge and confidence to get around safely, no matter how you're travelling or where you're headed.

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