Ring & Post: February 2019: #BikeLove edition

bikes mean community, friendship, adventure

Happy Valentine's Day from Cycle Toronto!

Thanks for joining us for the Coldest Day of the Year Ride: Groundhog Day Edition. We’re here, we’re riding, and we want bike lanes on the Danforth! (Photo: David Keogh)

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What you'll find in this edition

  • Your member dues at work: Richmond, Adelaide, Simcoe cycle tracks
  • This year we’re working to #EndBikeTheft 
  • Cycling Snow Routes: where can I ride?
  • Coldest Day of the Year Ride: Groundhog Day Edition
  • Tell us your #BikeLove stories
  • Job alert: Cycling Educators and Ride Guides
  • Bike to School updates
  • Our AGM is on March 26
  • Gold Business Member: Steamwhistle
  • Newsflash: cycling in the news
  • Events

Read the February 2019 Ring & Post.
