Advocacy update: Danforth & Eglinton West

Open Streets Pop Up Bike Lane on Danforth



Danforth update

A Danforth Avenue Planning Study was adopted by City Council in late July, providing direction for City staff to initiate a Comprehensive Complete Street Study of the Danforth corridor in 2019. We believe that everyone who spends time on the Danforth should benefit from making this avenue a more vibrant and liveable “complete street,” whether they’re walking, biking, taking transit or driving. This is an especially significant development for our Danforth Loves Bikes campaign, as we expect cycling will be recognized as a key component of this study. Community consultations that were done as part of the Planning Study, along with bike counts on Danforth, have already shown that  protected bike lanes must be part of the picture.

Staff have direction to consult with stakeholders  on this project in the near future, and we will continue to monitor their progress. To stay in the loop with our Danforth campaign updates, make sure you’re subscribed to receive Action Alerts.


Eglinton West update

Do you live or work in the Eglinton West area? While Cycle Toronto continues to advocate for full funding for streetscaping the central portion of Eglinton Avenue, the City is conducting a Planning and Streetscape Study to adapt and implement this vision to the western end of Eglinton Avenue in anticipation of the Eglinton West LRT line. Provide your feedback via the study page (or by phone or e-mail) and be sure to check out the interactive comments page where you can leave feedback on the corridor map.


By sarah bradley on Aug 17, 2018

  Danforth, Eglinton West, Complete Street, planning study, action alerts
