#BuildTheGrid Pledge

Pledges: 4822
With a grid of safe streets, Toronto would be a more active and healthy city.
A supportive mayor and council can make this a reality.
Dear Mayor Tory and Toronto City Council,
- Will you be a champion for building safe, connected bike routes in my neighbourhood?
- Will you support building protected bike lanes on main streets, including the major corridors in the Cycling Network Plan?
- Do you support accelerating the City’s 10-Year Cycling Network Plan to be built in the next four years, instead of by 2026?
We, the undersigned, are supportive of these priorities and we ask that you to commit to saying YES to all three questions. These asks are part of #BuildTheVisionTO: Safe and Active Streets for All.
Do you want to sign the pledge on behalf of a community group, school, or association? Get in touch with us by writing info@cycleto.ca.
Learn more about our #BuildTheGrid campaign at cycleto.ca/buildthegrid.