Cycle Toronto 2018 Annual General Meeting

Save the date! Cycle Toronto’s 2018 Annual General Meeting (AGM) is fast approaching.
Date: Thursday March 22
Time: Registration begins at 6:15pm. Meeting starts at 7:00pm.
Location: The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St. W.
Cycle Toronto Candidates
This year we will be electing four new directors to our Board from a pool of 10 candidates.
Click here to view our candidate profiles.
This year one of our priorities is to elect a new treasurer. In addition, we are looking for individuals with the following qualifications, skills and experience:
- Finance / Accounting
- IT
- Fundraising
- Senior Management/ Executive Experience
We are also seeking to increase the diversity of directors on our Board. As in past years, our elections will be run by Fair Vote Canada, and we wish to recognize and thank them for their assistance.
Proxy votes
If you are unable to attend the AGM but would still like to cast your vote in our director elections, you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. Please click here to access the proxy form.
Proxy forms must be filled out and submitted to Cycle Toronto before 6:00pm on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
Proxy forms can be submitted via email attachment to or may be delivered in person to our office located at 215 Spadina Avenue, Office 149.
Meeting Agenda (to be confirmed)
6:15 Registration begins, meet and greet with our Board of Director candidates
Drinks for purchase.
7:00 Call to order, welcome message, introductions and housekeeping
7:05 Approval of 2017 AGM Minutes, approval of 2018 AGM Agenda
7:15 Board Elections, introduction to elections and voting process (Fair Vote Canada)
7:20 Introduction to director candidates and candidate speeches
7:40 Election begins (closes at 8:00)
8:00 Dutch Auction!
8:20 Board President's remarks
8:30 The year in review: advocacy, programs and services, partnership programs; financial update; approval of financial report services
8:59 Meeting adjourns
9:00 Stick around for socializing and fun!
Dutch Auction
Every year at our AGM, we do an entertaining fundraiser called a Dutch Auction to support and expand our work.
How does this work?
In a Dutch Auction, bids start high and decrease over the course of the event, allowing everyone to donate at a level that's comfortable for them. This year, we'll have merchandise incentives to encourage those who can donate to give generously.
The best part? If fundraising targets are met, AGM attendees get to witness our Executive Director, Jared Kolb, do a funny/embarassing stunt. Past year's stunts have included Jared dying his hair Cycle Toronto-brand orange, riding his bike into Lake Ontario, and dressing up in a raccoon suit.
Annual Report
Our brand new 2017 Annual Report is online! We invite you to revisit highlights from our Advocacy, Education, and Encouragement programs. We’ll have display copies available at the AGM.
Cycle Toronto's AGM is a members-only event. Our ongoing advocacy efforts are not possible without you! You can join us or renew your membership online beforehand, or at the door.