Do you want to keep the bike lanes on Bloor? We need your help

Cycle Toronto canvassers are now knocking on doors in order to start a conversation with Torontonians about the bike lanes on Bloor. City Hall will be voting on the fate of the Bloor Street bike lanes this October, and we need your help now to show our city politicians that there is strong support for keeping the lanes. We cannot let this opportunity slip away.

Your community needs your help. Challenge yourself. Help us knock on doors in various parts of Toronto to show City Hall that residents overwhelmingly support keeping the Bloor Street bike lanes.

Our skilled Canvass Coordinators will be running a training session for new canvassers on Saturday September 16 from 1:00 - 2:00pm, followed by an optional canvassing shift right afterward. Sign up now by emailing us at with your name, phone number, and home ward in the email. We'll respond with details about the venue and other important information.

By volunteering just a few hours, you will help us make a strong case for keeping the protected bike lanes on Bloor Street, a change that is supported by thousands of local residents. Through the conversations we've had so far, we are hearing residents calling for a safer and more enjoyable streetscape that works for everyone. Never done door knocking before? No problem. Our canvass coordinators will provide professional training.

The bottom line is that the bike lanes on Bloor make the street safer, and provide predictable, separated spaces for cyclists and drivers. They help to improve the pedestrian experience too. Let's show City Hall that a large majority of Torontonians support keeping the Bloor Street bike lanes. It's time to get to work. Help us make the the Bloor Street bike lanes permanent.

By on Sep 13, 2017