College St moves nearly as many bikes as it does cars during rush hour.

For the past few years, we've gone out in late September and counted cars and bikes on College St. What we've repeatedly found is that the College St bike lanes, like bicycle lanes across the city, are a more efficient way to move people. While only 19% of the road is reserved for bikes, College St moves nearly as many bikes as it does cars. Bike lanes get Toronto moving. Watch the gif and and if you don't believe us, review the data and do the count for yourself.

86% of Torontonians want to see the City invest in a safe cycling network. City Council is considering a new 10 year bike plan next month and we want to see it rolled out as soon as possible. Invest in cycling. Get Toronto moving. 

Special thanks to Antony Hilliard for shooting the video and Iain Campbell, Mary Ann Neary and David Simmons for counting traffic!

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By Jared Kolb on May 18, 2016

