Want bike lanes on Bloor? Here's how you can help

This week, Toronto City Council will vote on the Bloor bike lane pilot. There are many ways you can help make bike lanes on Bloor a reality: 

1) Call the Mayor Monday - Monday, May 2nd

From 9:00am to 5:00pm on Monday, May 2nd, call Mayor Tory’s office and tell him and his staff how much you support a bike lane pilot on Bloor Street. You can share a story about biking or driving on Bloor street, either positive or negative, or simply express your support. Make the call as unique and personal as possible for maximum impact.

Call him at 416-397-2489.

2) Pack Council Chambers - Wednesday, May 4th

We’re anticipating that City Council will vote on Wednesday, May 4th. We want to pack the chambers with people who ride bikes and support the Bloor bike lane. Come to City Hall chambers anytime from 9:30am to 6:30pm and stay for as long as you can.

Bring your helmet, wear your cycling gear, and feel free to bring signs or placards to show your support. When we're done, victory or loss, we'll head to Pauper's Pub on Bloor St. Join us there after 6:30pm.

The Bloor pilot is up first thing Wednesday morning (unless the Uber/Taxi issue continues Wednesday). A full meeting agenda can be found here.

3) Retweet Cycle Toronto

We are tweeting news articles that support the Bloor bike lanes at councillors across the political spectrum. Follow us and retweet us at @CycleToronto.

4) Donate to the Bloor Loves Bikes Campaign

Cycle Toronto is the voice for cyclists at City Hall. The Bloor bike lane pilot is just the beginning - we want to see a bike lane on Bloor across the entire city. Donate to the campaign, and you can help make that happen!