Bike lanes on Bloor St back on the agenda: Bloor Loves Bikes Campaign Update

Momentum is building towards the launch of a pilot project for bike lanes on Bloor St. Earlier this year, we launched our Bloor Loves Bikes campaign to rally residents and local businesses along Bloor St behind a vision for a better Bloor. Last month, City staff published their 2016 cycling network implementation program, including the Bloor pilot which will come to Public Works & Infrastructure Committee in early 2016. 

There's still a huge amount of work to be done. We must continue meeting with stakeholders and elected officials to make our case. Here's how you can help:

1) Sign the Bloor Loves Bikes pledge 

Join nearly 4,000 people calling for a pilot project on Bloor St in 2016. Sign the pledge now!

2) Support local business

More than 60 businesses along Bloor St support our call for bike lanes on Bloor. Drop by, spend some money and thank them for their support!

3) Register for Cycle Toronto Rides Bloor Danforth on Oct 24

Our goal is raise $50,000 to support our Bloor St, Danforth Ave and Yonge St campaigns. Register now

Together, we can make bike lanes on Bloor St a reality.

By Jared Kolb on Oct 07, 2015

