PROJECT UPDATE: Richmond Adelaide pilot is extending to Parliament!

Protected bike lanes can help to reduce the stress and make cycling safer for people biking downtown, especially for novice cyclists. Richmond and Adelaide Streets are prime candidates. Richmond Street and Adelaide Street are high volume roads with average speeds above 40km/h.

City staff's report on a pilot project for Richmond and Adelaide was approved by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee in May, and was then approved by City Council in June, 2014! The pilot was installed in July, and included protected bike lanes on Richmond from Bathurst to University, protected bike lanes on Adelaide from Bathurst to Simcoe, protected bike lanes on Simcoe, and painted bike lanes on Peter!

The Environmental Assessment is still underway. City staff are also exploring ways to have the protected bike lanes connect to existing bikeways west of Bathurst Street and east of Sherbourne Street.


PROJECT UPDATE: Richmond Adelaide Pilot is extending to Parliament! 
July 9, 2015

Preliminary evaluations of the cycle track have been positive, and public feedback surveys have found the cycle tracks to be very highly supported by cyclists and also appreciated by the majority of local businesses, drivers and pedestrians. We are extremely pleased to announce that today, the extension of the Richmond Adelaide pilot cycle track to Parliament St passed Toronto City Council unanimously! Installation is slated to begin in the fall after the Pan Am and Para Pan Am Games. The extension will follow the same design principles as the current pilot, and the City is also reviewing the possibility of using planter-boxes like the ones installed on Simcoe or other kinds of separation. 


By Bex McKnigt on Jul 22, 2015