World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims
"Join us for the annual World Day of Remembrance event to remember all of the loved ones who have been killed and severely injured in crashes, both on #TODeadlyStreets and around the world. They are never forgotten, and if you are grieving for a loved one, you are not alone.
Remember to DRESS WARMLY and please wear warm gloves/mittens if you wish to comfortably hold a memorial poster or candle on our march.
This year, in the theme of #SafeStreetsSaveLives, we will walk a 2km route along Danforth Ave, from Victoria Park to Birchmount, highlighting the disparity in #PoliticalWill to save lives. Victoria Park forms the boundary between Ward 19, where Danforth has been transformed into a #CompleteStreet, and Ward 20, where nothing has been done to improve safety. Along the walk, we will highlight locations where #RoadViolence blew apart people's lives, and how easy, inexpensive infrastructure upgrades could have prevented it. At the end of the march, we will hold a ceremony of remembrance of all those so senselessly lost to this preventable #PublicHealthCrisis.
Please share widely and invite your friends!"