Proposed Cycling Connections on Martin Grove road

The City of Toronto is looking to fill in the gaps and make improvements along Martin Grove Road between Eglinton Avenue and the Kipling TTC station, between existing and approved bike lanes. These improvements include higher quality bike lanes, traffic calming measures, and installation of protected intersections. You can support this project by filling out the survey below and attending the City's public consultation on May 4th:
Fill out the city's survey in 5 minutes to show your support and let them know any improvements you'd like to see:
Fill out the survey in 5 minutes
Attend the City’s online public consultation to learn more and provide feedback (if you do, please share your notes and observations with us!):
Date: Wednesday, May 4th 2022
Time: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Registration for Public Consultation
More about the Project
The proposed cycling connection improvements will allow cyclists to travel more safely between Eglinton W and Dundas W with greater connectivity. More details on the City’s project website.
The proposed improvements include:
- Some protected intersection designs with dedicated space for pedestrians and cyclists
- Completing missing cycling connections from Eglinton Avenue to south of Winterton Drive
- Improved trail connection to Ravencrest Park and the West Deane Trail system
- Multi-use trail through Wedgewood Park
- Neighbourhood bikeways between Burnhamthorpe Road and Dundas W
While these improvements are a positive step towards bringing high quality infrastructure to Etobicoke, there also needs to be upgrades to existing and proposed bike lanes on Martin Grove to become safe for people of all ages and abilities. If you would like to see these safety upgrades, one way to make sure your voice is heard is by attending the public consultation and giving your feedback about the project.
Thank you for your active participation and support in making Toronto a safer and more vibrant city for all!