Scarborough Needs a Cycling Network: A Documentary

I am thrilled to share the premiere of Scarborough Needs a Cycling Network, a documentary of people who ride their bicycles in Scarborough. Please watch and share the video, then read on to learn how we made this and how you can help Scarborough get the cycling network it deserves.
How did we get here?
Earlier this year, the leaders of Cycle Toronto, The Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT), and Scarborough Cycles, participated in a Leading Social Justice Fellowship program offered by the University of Toronto School of Cities and United Way Greater Toronto. Their project was to address equity around the lack of cycling infrastructure in Scarborough and how to elevate community voices who have been historically marginalized and have been provided with no safe active transportation options for their trips.
Their work led to the creation of Scarborough Needs a Cycling Network, a documentary of people riding bicycles in Scarborough. What we found were many positives shared across these experiences — joy, health, utility, cost savings, and more. However, there was an equal amount of fear, danger, lack of safety, and the common knowledge that Scarborough roads take lives.
There was one thing that every single person said: Bike lanes would make Scarborough roads safer and better for people.
How can you help?
Next week, Toronto City Council will vote on a citywide cycling network plan for the next three years. Thanks in part to advocacy efforts, there are several key routes proposed for Scarborough, but we all know it takes sustained effort to turn plans into action.
This documentary is the first in our Scarborough Voices series that will show how people in Scarborough feel about cycling there. It’s important that as many people see these videos as possible, including our elected officials, so watch and share widely.
And we need you to support the people we showcased in Scarborough Needs a Cycling Network by signing and sharing the petition from our Connect Scarborough campaign.
Thank you to everyone that shared your experiences and opinions with us. It has been a pleasure to talk with you.
Ry Shissler (they/them)
Communications Manager &
Co-Director of Scarborough Needs a Cycling Network