The Queensway Could Become a Complete Street in Etobicoke

Rendering of The Queensway at the Ontario Food Terminal
You may have heard that the City’s proposing a slew of cycling projects to be built in 2022-2024. We shared an overview about the Cycling Plan update so that you can email City Council before they vote on the proposed projects.
One of the projects in the update is adding a protected bikeway along The Queensway from the Humber River to Mimico Creek. The City is proposing:
- Adding a raised, protected bikeway separated from car lanes with a concrete curb
- New bike signals and some protective corner islands at key signalized intersections
- Sidewalk widening and new sidewalks
- New landscaping, trees, and stormwater management features
Cycle Toronto would also like to see:
- More distance between the bikeway and the roadway for increased comfort and safety
- Extending the project west to Royal York Road in order to connect with the bikeway there
- Upgrading the existing painted bikeway on Queensway to provide a safe connection across the Humber River
Map of project area
It’s important for the City to hear from individual voices as well. Please attend the upcoming meeting, share your enthusiasm for improvements, and reiterate your desire for a safer Queensway that allows for healthy, affordable, and environmentally sound transportation for people of all ages and abilities.
Date: Tuesday, December 7
Time: 6:00 - 8:00PM
Register for the meeting & more info
You can also fill in the City's online public survey by December 21 here:
We’re also advocating for another safe connection across the Humber River further north on Bloor Street. If you haven’t already, please sign and share the Connect Bloor petition for protected, connected bike lanes.