ACTION: Protected bike lanes on Ellesmere & Kingston from McCowan to the Rouge

Rendering of Ellesmere Road with dedicated bus and bike lanes

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The Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit (DSBRT) project is about more than just dedicated bus lanes; its vision includes protected cycling infrastructure on Ellesmere and Kingston Roads from McCowan Road all the way to the Rouge Valley. 

The kind of complete street redesign seen in the DSBRT will greatly improve transportation connectivity for Scarborough residents, workers, students, and businesses. It will increase the reliability of transit while making active transportation an easier option, improving mental and physical health, lowering emissions, and making getting around more fun  — the embodiment of our Connect Scarborough campaign.

Sign & share the Connect Scarborough petition

As seen in the renderings below, some sections are planned to have a bike lane on either side of the road, and some sections will have a bi-directonal bike path on one side of the road. 

Cycle Toronto is asking the project team to make four important improvements:

  1. Extend the dedicated bikeway east on Kingston Road across the Rouge River
  2. Make sure people cycling can safely access key destinations on both sides of the street
  3. Build protected intersections to keep people in the bikeways safe from turning vehicles
  4. Include secure bicycle parking and Bike Share stations at all of the transit stops

You can learn more about the project through the interactive map and provide your feedback until November 11. Metrolinx is also hosting public meetings on three dates.

Provide feedback (bottom of page) and learn more    

Public meetings from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.:

  • Thursday, October 21 
  • Tuesday, October 26 
  • Thursday, October 28

Register for a meeting

Some people are opposed to investing in healthy and affordable transportation options in Scarborough and are trying to have the project scrapped. Please show your support by signing and sharing our petition to Connect Scarborough, and voicing your support at the public meeting.

By on Oct 19, 2021

  ConnectScarborough, action alert
