REimagining Yonge in North York

Toronto Public Health’s research identifies “Transform Yonge” as the preferred alternative for REimagine Yonge which best delivers on the evidence-based design principles that promote health. Seen above, Transform Yonge is a complete street with space for everyone.
The REimagining Yonge Street Environmental Assessment is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for residents of North York Centre and surrounding neighbourhoods to shape their future. REimagine Yonge looks at the area between Sheppard Avenue and the Finch Hydro Corridor, which has not seen a substantial redesign since the 1950s. At the time, the area was not dense and important issues like equity or climate change were not factors when deciding to build a wide highway for cars.
The decisions we make this year will determine what Yonge will look like for the next 50 years; and as the pandemic has shown, planning decisions made half a century ago shape our city today. Many people are struggling to find space that is safe to use. Whether it’s overcrowding on buses or not having a place to sit outside, the way we allocate public space is a contributing factor — and streets are public space. On Yonge in Willowdale, it is time to change from a six-lane highway to a four-lane main street that better connects the neighbourhood. It’s time Yonge is reimagined as a safe place for all people: People who walk, shop, and eat; people that drive or take the subway; people that live and work on Yonge; and yes, people that ride bikes.
City staff’s proposal talks about how the reimagined street would be much safer (over 159 pedestrians and cyclists were struck along this stretch of Yonge in the past decade), support the 1,800 local businesses, barely impact drivers’ travel time, and allow over 100,000 nearby residents to safely walk along Yonge, the heart of their community. Toronto Public Health has even endorsed the proposal for supporting the long-term health of Torontonians.
By November 30, please write to IEC and the Mayor telling them that you support REimagine Yonge and complete streets designed with everyone in mind.
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Cycle Toronto has put in years of work advocating for a safer and healthier Yonge as part of the REimagine Yonge project. While REimagine Yonge won’t be constructed for half a decade, we are continuing to push for safe cycling infrastructure along downtown and midtown Yonge, with some projects being installed as soon as Spring 2021!
Our work engaging with Councillors, staff, community organizations, and residents along Yonge and other corridors across the city would not be possible without our members and donors. Help us grow to meet the challenges that come with rapidly expanding infrastructure and long-term projects alike for all of Toronto.
Let’s keep reimagining our city together,
Kevin Rupasinghe
Campaigns Manager