Write PWIC now to ask them to support Transform Yonge

PWIC meets on Friday, January 19th to debate the future of Yonge St in North York. Take five minutes to send a personal message urging them to support Transform Yonge.
Here is some sample text to get you started. Find your City Councillor here.
To: ""PWIC" <pwic@toronto.ca>
Cc: “Councillor Jaye Robinson” <councillor_robinson@toronto.ca>, “Councillor Stephen Holyday” <councillor_holyday@toronto.ca>, “Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti” <councillor_mammoliti@toronto.ca>, “Councillor Anthony Perruzza” <councillor_perruzza@toronto.ca>, “Councillor Christin Carmichael Greb” <councillor_carmichaelgreb@toronto.ca>, “Councillor Chin Lee” <councillor_lee@toronto.ca>, Mayor John Tory" <mayor_tory@toronto.ca>, "Cycle Toronto" <info@cycleto.ca>, [Add your Councillor's e-mail]
Subject: PW26.6 - I support Transform Yonge
Dear Mayor Tory, Councillor [your councillor's name], and Members of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee,
As a resident of Toronto, I want to see the city grow in a way that accommodates all road users, regardless of how they get around. That’s why I’m writing to ask you to support Transform Yonge.
Transform Yonge would bring a host of much-needed improvements for all road users to move Yonge Street into the 21st century and creating the type of welcoming main street that could anchor North York. Voting for the alternative would represent a huge missed opportunity - not to mention a fiscally irresponsible decision.
Please vote for Transform Yonge. It will bust traffic congestion, clean the air, and make the roadway safer for all users. The city did a great job building the popular Bloor bike lane. But we must keep up the momentum to transform our streets into places worth spending time in - not just transportation corridors. It’s what Toronto needs.
Thank you.
Creativity matters. Include your personal story. And consider including your mailing address—it carries more weight.
- Get up to speed on Transform Yonge.
- Read the Staff Report recommending Transform Yonge.
- Check out Councillor John Filion's press release: Staff Report recommend a new vision for Yonge St in North York