Ring & Post November 2021

Woman rides a bike in a newly installed bike lane


Text reads "Ring & Post November"

A person rides a bike in a freshly installed bike lane

Getting to the Distillery District just got easier! Pictured above is Mill Street during the installation of a new bikeway.


World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

Pictures of people with candles and their date of death.

Another year has gone by and World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is upon us once again. The day is a day to remember those that have been injured and killed on our roads while advocating for support for their families and promoting solutions that make streets safer.

As in years’ passed, Cycle Toronto’s partner organization, Friends and Families for Safe Streets will be leading a candlelight memorial walk highlighting victims of Toronto’s roads. This year, the walk will take place on Avenue Road, which has been the site of many injuries and deaths including, very recently, Miguel Joshua Escanan.

Date: November 21
Time: 4:45PM
Meeting Location: Ramsden Park (across the street from Rosedale Station)

More info and stay up to date

Get Lit!

Image of bike with lights. Text reads "Get Lit!"

Our annual Get Lit! program isn’t over just yet — we’ve extended it into November and have one station left on the schedule. We’ve been all over the city helping people keep riding longer by handing out hundreds of free lights, performing safety checks, and talking bike safety. It’s always great getting in touch with you!

Person stands with their bike and a bright new light beside an orange tent.

One night this October, Andrea (pictured) had this to say about Get Lit!, "Great initiative! Glad I was able to make it to one of the pop ups. Have shared with my ride group too!"

The very next person that came by exclaimed, "Thank god you were here! I almost got ran off the road back there! I had to stop and catch my breath and compose myself. I really needed some more lights."

Get Lit! is supported by the City of Toronto, Toronto Hydro, and contributions from Cycle Toronto members and donors like you. 

Vision Zero & Enforcement

As part of ongoing professional and organizational learning, Cycle Toronto staff members recently attended the Vision Zero Cities Conference. A wide variety of topics were covered including road design, communications, truck design, and enforcement. While there are many enlightening takeaways from the workshops and webinars we attended, there is one particular resource we wanted to share as Cycle Toronto continues to evaluate our relationship with police enforcement.

Re-thinking the Role of Enforcement in Traffic Safety Work: Our Role Within Vision Zero presents a discussion of strategies to create safer streets while acknowledging that this can’t be done without recognizing the racist and inequitable systems that have led to unsafe streets. Within this context, it’s important to note the need to re-design streets to be self-enforcing. For instance, re-designing roads so that people drive slower and with less possibility of causing harm by default, instead of needing law enforcement in the first place.

Learn about Vision Zero & Enforcement

Meet Our Newest Staff Member

Man smiling in a parkWe recently welcomed Kris Kinsey to the team and we’re excited for the future of the organization with Kris playing a big role as our Senior Partnerships and Development Manager. Here’s a brief introduction to Kris:

Kris works to build interest, excitement, and belonging among Cycle Toronto’s community of supporters, including our members, donors, and partners. He brings a range of experience in nonprofit management, fundraising, and partnership-building to the Cycle Toronto team, joining us most recently from The Bentway. Passionate about cities, Kris studied urban studies and sociology at the University of Toronto, and was recently selected to participate in the Urban Park Leadership Program, a professional certificate hosted by CUNY and the Central Park Conservancy. Kris is also an active volunteer, currently serving on the board of the High Park Nature Centre and taking on seasonal roles with Swim Drink Fish and the City of Toronto’s Environmental Stewardship Program.

Bike Share Toronto Corporate Membership

Text reads "20% return to office promo. Bike Share Toronto Corporate Membership Program"

Bike Share Toronto recently introduced a Corporate Membership Program to help get people back into the office on two wheels instead of four and they’re starting it off with big discounts for riders. Until December 31, in conjunction with the City of Toronto’s “Return to Office” campaign, Bike Share Toronto is offering 20% off an Annual 30 or Annual 45 membership when your company signs up, with NO financial obligations to your company. Companies also have the option to contribute, potentially reducing your annual cost to $0!

Anyone interested in getting enrolled in Bike Share Toronto’s Corporate Membership Program can have their HR, Program Director, or Wellness Coordinator sign-up their company so Bike Share Toronto can learn a little more about your team. They will then hear back from a representative in two to five business days with enrollment’s next steps.

Company sign-up

More info and pricing

Move365 Connect

Text Reads "Move 365 Connect"

See all the campaigns

Connect Scarborough

Ellesmere-Kingston Protected Bike Lanes

The Durham-Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit (DSBRT) project is about more than just dedicated bus lanes; its vision includes protected cycling infrastructure on Ellesmere and Kingston Roads from McCowan Road all the way to the Rouge Valley. 

The kind of complete street redesign seen in the DSBRT will greatly improve transportation connectivity for Scarborough residents, workers, students, and businesses. It will increase the reliability of transit while making active transportation an easier option, improving mental and physical health, lowering emissions, and making getting around more fun  — the embodiment of our Connect Scarborough campaign.

You can learn more about the project through the interactive map, information on cycling, and provide your feedback until November 11.

Scarborough Cycling Plan

Scarborough has been largely excluded from cycling improvements in the past, reducing people’s ability to lead healthy lifestyles, decrease transportation costs, and decrease environmental impact. Following a motion that passed at October’s Infrastructure and Environment Committee, the City could be headed toward a more focused approach to improving cycling in Scarborough, thanks in part to the many people that responded to our action alert.

We look forward to seeing updates on this in the coming months as the City’s Cycling Network Plan near term plan update is unveiled.

ActiveTO Decision Coming

Youth ride bikes in a bike lane. Text reads "Keep Active T O"

What happens when more people ride bikes? They save money, lead healthier lives, and have fun while getting around! For the last year and a half, these streets have been helping people ride, but that may be coming to an end

  • Bayview Avenue
  • Bloor Street E
  • Danforth Avenue
  • Dundas Street E
  • Huntingwood Avenue
  • University Avenue
  • Wilmington Avenue 

In December, City Council will decide whether to return these streets to cars, removing bike lanes and shutting down ActiveTO, or to learn from the lessons COVID taught us — that people want safe and healthy options for mobility and recreation.

Major road openings will also be up for debate with the possibility of a return to joyful hours spent riding on Lake Shore Boulevard and other locations across the city.

If you haven’t already, please sign and share our Keep ActiveTO petition.

Keep ActiveTO

Consultations & Surveys

Kensington Market

Examples of curb extensions and bump outs. Planters and bike racks narrow the roadway

Kensington Market is a place where people live, eat, shop, work and is one of the first stops for any Toronto tourist. Now, the City is planning on redesigning some streets in the market for 2023 and they're asking for your input. A host of design options are presented including traffic calming measures like raised intersections, curb extensions, and bicycle parking — much of this is presented as an alternative to on-street car parking in the survey. Share what your priorities are by taking the five-minute survey, which is open until November 12

Take the survey

City Council Updates

Every cycling related item mentioned in our action alert passed at the October 26 Infrastructure and Environment Committee (IEC) meeting thanks in part to the overwhelming response from you! These items will now proceed to City Council for further review

Make sure you’re subscribed to action alerts

Centennial Park Master Plan

The Centennial Park Master Plan update includes a host of changes that will be implemented in the Etobicoke park over the next 20 years. Cycling improvements proposed include a multi-use path along Centennial Park Boulevard (and a road diet) in the west and a bike lane on Centennial Park Road in the east. Many new multi-use paths are proposed within the grounds as well as better signage and curb cuts to make crossing roads easier. 

Improving Winter Access to Parks

Toronto saw a significant expansion of winter maintenance in parks last winter. Now, we could potentially see that expanded further. The proposal would have more facilities maintained during the winter including more snow clearing on multi-use paths that are vital parts of our transportation network. The proposal would also look to explore different snow clearing methods in environmentally sensitive areas, such as our ravines, which cannot be salted due to the environmental impacts. Making our parks more accessible year-round will help people lead healthier, happier lifestyles while enjoying nature within the city limits.

Safe Cycling on Lake Shore E & Lower Don Trail

We asked you to write to IEC in support of maintaining a safe connection across the Don River near the Port Lands during a planned three year construction period. While the motion passed IEC, Waterfront Toronto has also committed to keeping the Lower Don Trail connection open until November 30, 2021 — no detour necessary. They are listening to the advocates that are telling them every day how important this connection is.

Scarborough Cycling Plan

See Scarborough Cycling Plan in Connect Scarborough section.

Recently Installed Infrastructure

Davenport Road

A person rides a bike in a bike lane

Bike lanes have been installed on Davenport Road from Bay Street connecting to the temporary bike lanes on Yonge Street. The eastbound side of the street is parking and concrete curb protected. The westbound side is only protected at the Bay intersection. The section of Davenport from Bay to Dupont Street is scheduled to be upgraded with concrete curbs and flexi-posts in early 2022. 

More info on the project

Esplanade-Mill Street

Freshly installed bike lane

Photo courtesy of City of Toronto
Installation of Phase 1 of the Esplanade-Mill Street bikeway, east of Lower Sherbourne Street, is coming along nicely. Currently in place are bi-directional bike lanes, connected by the multi-use path in Parliament Square Park, and bike signals. Concrete curbs and flexi-posts are planned for installation along much of the stretch. Planters are already in place along a short stretch where parking is on the opposite side of the road and there are no intersections, between Trinity Street and Cherry Street.

More info on the project

Cycling and Road Safety in the News

Platinum Business Members

Toronto Hydroy

By ry.shissler@cycleto.ca on Nov 08, 2021

  Ring & Post