Protecting the Martin Goodman Trail: Enbridge won’t dig up Queens Quay

In early February, Enbridge Gas announced that they would be investigating options for replacing a natural gas pipeline. One of the three shortlisted routes included a significant portion of Queens Quay, along which the Martin Goodman Trail is located.
The Martin Goodman Trail is a key downtown east-west active transportation route that connects Etobicoke and Scarborough. It is appropriate for people of all ages and abilities and it is the only protected, continuous, separated facility in the southern core. It provides crucial access to the waterfront. There are no comparable alternative routes for people using forms of active transportation; however, there are multiple alternative routes for people driving vehicles. Construction along Queens Quay would have jeopardized the area as an important active transportation corridor.
Cycle Toronto wrote to Enbridge Gas expressing our opposition to the inclusion of Queens Quay as a potential route for the replacement of the natural gas pipeline.
Recently, we were informed of success in advocacy: a chorus of voices made sure the preferred route stayed off of Queens Quay and The Martin Goodman Trail. Enbridge released their preferred route in an updated report: NPS 20 Replacement Cherry to Bathurst: Environmental Report, which identified Lake Shore Blvd W as the preferred route.
This is good news, but the preferred route isn't guaranteed to move forward as shown. We'll be following this project as it moves forward and will continue to advocate for maintaining active transportation routes.
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Photo by Nicholas Jones