Our Etobicoke Advocacy Summit is on January 30

Do you hail from the orange zone on this map of Toronto, and passionate about a particular cycling or safety issue in your neighbourhood? If so, join activists from across Etobicoke for the fourth in a series of District Advocacy Summits*. These events are a great way to get connected with local bike advocacy projects in your area.
Event Date:
Tuesday, January 30, 2018 - 18:30 to 20:30
Event Location:
Islington Junior Middle School - School Library
44 Cordova Ave
Toronto , ON
See map: Google Maps
Learn how you can get involved in neighbourhood projects right now.
At this event you will:
Learn about the history of Cycle Toronto and our Ward Advocacy program.
Get up to speed on our campaigns for bike lanes on Bloor and bike lanes on Eglinton, with updates from our Working Group volunteers about how their work fits into the Etobicoke context as well as a #MinimumGrid of protected bike lanes across this city.
Take in the latest from Etobicoke's Ward Advocacy Groups, with "lightning pitches" for participation in a range of local campaigns, projects, and events.
After the presentations there will be a chance for everyone to connect one-on-one with the project leads about getting involved.
This event series is intended as a way to make it easier for new volunteers to get involved in Ward Advocacy, and to help identify overlaps in campaigns, projects, or events that transcend ward boundaries. It’s a chance to connect and coordinate, and to take our bike advocacy to the next level.
RSVP here
*Dates for upcoming events in other districts will be announced soon.