Friends & Families for Safe Streets Launched

Friends & Families for Safe Streets (FFSS) officially launches today as a support and advocacy group working to end traffic violence. The group supports those who have been directly impacted by road violence. Its members want Toronto to be free from deaths and serious injuries caused by traffic collisions, all of which are preventable. The group will work in the two following areas:

Support Group: If you have lost a loved one or have been seriously injured due to traffic violence, FFSS invites you to attend its first monthly support group meeting on Sunday November 20, 2016.
Find out how to contact us about attending a support group meeting at

Advocacy: The time for talk is over. We know what safe road design means and what needs to be done to make streets safe for all road users. FFSS will help generate the political will to make it a reality. FFSS will hold decision makers accountable for ensuring that Toronto’s commitment to Vision Zero isn’t just in name.
Follow FFSS on Twitter @ffsafestreets.

FFSS is led by victims’ families & survivors of road violence and is currently incubated at Cycle Toronto. FFSS is also supported by Walk Toronto, Safe Streets: Kids At Play, Bike Law Canada and the Toronto Centre for Active Transportation.

Want to help support FFSS? Donate now.

By Stephanie Malcher on Oct 25, 2016

