Action Alert: Write Public Works Now to Support Building a Cycle Track on Lake Shore Blvd W

Image above: proposed rendering of bi-directional cycle track on Lake Shore Blvd W at Royal York Rd

Just two years ago, Sue Trainor was travelling westbound in the passing lane on Lake Shore Bldv W., near First St. In a tragic turn of events, her wheel got caught in the streetcar tracks, she lost control of her bicycle, and fell into oncoming traffic. She died at the scene. 

Sue lost her life in a stretch of the Waterfront Trail where there is a significant gap in bike lanes. We are grateful for the recent efforts of Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes to fill in this gap, which has led to city staff proposing the addition of a bi-directional cycle track between Norris Cresc. and First St. This cycle track would make it  safer to explore the city by bike, easier for all Torontonians to enjoy the Waterfront Trail, and, most importantly, it would help prevent a tragedy from occurring ever again. Read the full staff report here.

Action Requested: write members of PWIC to show your support for building a bi-directional cycle track on Lake Shore Blvd W

Members of Public Works & Infrastructure Committee:

To: "PWIC" <>, “Councillor Jaye Robinson” <>, “Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon” <>, “Councillor Anthony Perruzza” <>, “Councillor Ron Moeser” <>, “Councillor Chin Lee” <>, “Councillor Stephen Holyday” <>

Remember to cc <> and "Councillor Mark Grimes" <>. Include PW11.6 in your subject line.

Creativity matters. Include your personal story. And consider including your mailing address; it carries more weight. Please write by Monday February 29th at 4:30 pm.

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By Jared Kolb on Feb 23, 2016

