Woodbine Bike Lane Party

Join us, community members and cycling advocates for a Celebratory Cycle up and down Woodbine to recognize the bike lanes that have now been in place for one year!

These new lanes are an important part of a city-wide network of protected bike lanes on main streets. Let's get out there and show that there's broad support to build out the network...and get excited about the Danforth Avenue Corridor Study in 2019.

Meet at Danforth & Woodbine at 2:00PM for an easy roll along the bike lanes.


Sign the #BuildtheGrid pledge!

On October 22, Torontonians will cast their votes for a mayor and city councillors who will shape the direction of our city over the next four years. We know that with a grid of safe streets, Toronto would be a more active and healthy city.

Pledge your support to #BuildTheGrid.

October 14, 2018 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Danforth Ave & Woodbine Ave
Danforth Ave & Woodbine Ave
Toronto , ON
Ontario CA