Volunteer Orientation

Smiling person in orange shirt hands out bike lights to passing cyclists

Interested in Cycle Toronto's work and want to get more involved? Join for virtual volunteer orientation! We’ll give you an overview of the work we do, the history of the organization and what we’re working on now. You do not need to have relevant experience to volunteer with us. We’re currently looking for help with:


Bike Month & Bike Safety Stations:

We’re setting up our tent in different locations across the city and providing people with free bike safety checks! We could use your help with greeting people and telling them about what we do, as well as handing out our free Toronto Cycling Handbook. No mechanical experience required and volunteers are required to wear a mask at all in-person events (even when outdoors). 

Bike Valet:

Bike Valet is it is a secure, monitored temporary bike parking solution that is free for patrons and operates like a coat check. We set up our tent and bike racks at the event’s main entrance(s), and people receive a numbered Bike Valet tag when they drop off their bike with us. On their way out, they just return the stub and we give their bike back.  

Phone Canvas:

  • Use call software to reconnect with lapsed members, and renew membership, or to offer thanks on behalf of the organization
  • To connect with donors and renew contributions
  • To connect with supporters, and build support for campaigns and local projects.

Ward advocacy:

Work with other advocates in your community to make cycling more accessible and enjoyable in your neighbourhood! In most cases, ward groups meet monthly to discuss cycling issues and support exciting new Cycle Toronto campaigns across the city. 


May 12, 2022 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm