Cycle Toronto 2020 (Online) Annual General Meeting

A meeting is being displayed on a laptop

The AGM is coming up!

We are very excited for our upcoming virtual Annual General Meeting (AGM) on October 20, 2020 from 7:15pm to 8:30pm! While things will look a little different this year, we are excited to see you and reconnect virtually!

Important dates:

  • Sunday, October 18 at 6pm — deadline for members who cannot attend to send Proxy Form
  • Monday, October 19 at Noon — deadline for members to register in Zoom to attend AGM (you can register after this time but we may not be able to confirm your membership is active and therefore admit you to the meeting in time)
  • Tuesday, October 20 at 7:00pm — AGM virtual doors open

Registration & Voting

This year’s AGM will be taking place in Zoom. If you haven’t used Zoom yet, it’s simple and easy to set up. In order to verify Cycle Toronto membership for the AGM you will be required to have a free Zoom account. If you don’t have a Zoom account, you will be prompted to sign up when you register.

Register for the AGM

After you have registered to attend the AGM you will be sent a link to the Zoom event not later than morning of the AGM that is for your use only.

In order to vote at the AGM, you need to have an active Cycle Toronto membership at the time of the meeting and have Zoom installed on your device.

Download Zoom ahead of time

In order to attend the meeting and vote you must:

  • Have an active Cycle Toronto membership
  • Register for the AGM
  • Have Zoom installed on your device (web browser will not work for voting)
  • Have a free Zoom account

You will not be able to:

  • Dial in by phone
  • Have multiple members from the same household vote with the same Zoom account / device

If you are not able to attend the meeting and have an active Cycle Toronto membership, proxy voting is available. See below for more information.

AGM Agenda

7:00pm        Doors open 

7:15pm        Call to order and opening remarks

7:30pm        Approval of 2019 minutes & approval of 2020 agenda

7:35pm        Year In Review 

8:00pm        Introduction of Voting and Candidate Speeches

8:15pm        Fundraising 

8:20pm        Financial Update and approval of financial report

8:30pm        Closing

The Director Slate 

This year we will be electing five directors to our board.

The Board of Directors serves a crucial role in the work that Cycle Toronto does. Every year as directors turn over, we are left with gaps in skills and experience that must be filled. The existing board is in a unique position to assess what skills and experience are required for this work, what gaps exist, and which nominees might best fill those gaps.  

As a result, we have interviewed board nominees and are recommending to our membership a slate of nominees for election. This is the process taken by most established non-profits and one that we believe strikes a balance between democratic openness and building an effective board. Regardless of which nominees are on the slate, all nominees are free to run in the election. Directors are ultimately elected by the membership at the AGM.

This year, we were in need of experience in finance/accounting and fundraising. We also looked for candidates who have board experience, human resources, organizational management, law, leadership, strategic planning, and risk management. 

We are excited to announce that the slate for this year is: 

1. Francesca Allodi-Ross 
2. Adrian Currie
3. Sarah Grant
4. Dana O'Born
5. Priyanka Vittal 

Click here to view all of our candidates’ profiles



Cycle Toronto 2019 Annual Report cover page. Bikes being parked on top. Bike riders celebrating on bottom.


View the Annual Report


Audited Financial Statements

View the Audited Financial Statements

Past Minutes

Mintues from AGM 2019

Unable to attend? Vote by Proxy!

The only way to vote directly is to register and attend the AGM. If you are an active Cycle Toronto member and unable to attend the AGM but would still like your voice to be heard, you may appoint a proxy to vote on your behalf. You do so by filling out a proxy form. You can choose a Cycle Toronto member attending to vote on your behalf, or leave it blank to appoint the president or chair of the Board of Directors to vote on your behalf. 

Proxy forms must be submitted to Cycle Toronto before 6:00 pm on Sunday, October 18, 2020.

Proxy forms can be submitted via the Google Form or as an email attachment to If you are unable to submit the proxy form via email, please let us know and we can make other arrangements.

Fill out the Google Form OR Get the PDF


Note that the By-laws govern the conduct of the AGM generally.

Has your membership expired?

Cycle Toronto's AGM is a members-only event. Our ongoing advocacy efforts are not possible without you! You can join us or renew your membership online beforehand. Even $5 a month helps ensure we have a strong voice at City Hall.

We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!

Kathryn Randle
Board Chair